August 17, 2007

A Study Finds Mounting Credit Card Debt Bad for Your Health

Dealing with the stress of serious credit card debt can actually be bad for your health. This not-so-surprising finding is based on a study conducted by Ohio State University. A study of over 1,000 Ohioans found a strong relationship between worry over rising debt and increased health problems. While the study examined respondents debt in terms of the number of credit cards they held and whether they carried a balance month to month, results actually showed that the real factor in determining debt stress and health problems was based on the amount of a family’s income that was tied up in paying off debt. In fact, those people who had a higher debt to income ratio exhibited higher levels of health related issues.

What can you do if the stress of mounting debt and the worry over the amount of money being paid towards those high interest rates is affecting your health? An authority on stress management told me that taking charge of your situation is a first step to getting stress under control. Worry alone gets you no where. Inaction or status quo fuels stress. Rather, examining your situation and putting together a plan to get your debt under control can actually help relieve some of the stress. While a well thought out plan won’t make the debt miraculously go away, the action of working that plan towards a goal of being debt free will relieve some of the stress and hopefully improve your health.

If you have credit card debt over $10,000, are struggling to make the minimum payments each month, take out new cards to help pay off old card balances, or seriously thought you might need to file for bankruptcy, you may qualify for Debt Settlement. For more information, read my blog dated September 29, 2006.

Don’t let embarrassment, stigma, or the sense that negotiating your way out is not the moral way to get out of debt. The Credit Card Industry is one of the most profitable industries in the United States with annual earnings around $30 Billion. Citibank alone earns more profit than both Wal-Mart and Microsoft. Yet this industry has more complaints filed against it than any other industry in the U.S.

You can obtain a free debt consultation from Credit Card Relief™ by clicking here. They can help you determine the best solution for getting you free of debt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.